For more information regarding the service and the registration process, please visit



·         The use of the present Web Application (hereafter novago) is subject to the terms set forth below.

·         The use of the novago application constitutes an assumption that the visitor-user has studied, understood and accepted all the terms of its use.

·         The present terms of use may be revised and updated at any time and without any notice.




A user of the novago application is the person that will use the Web Application.

2.1.    Copyright

·         The entire content of the novago application, except for the explicitly mentioned exemptions (copyright of third parties), which-indicatively-includes texts, graphics, images, photographs, drawings, video, sounds etc. (hereafter content) constitute intellectual property, registered marks and service marks of Forthnet Media S.A. and are protected by the national, community and international law in force.

·         Forthnet Media S.A. preserves all the intellectual rights of use as well as the title deeds regarding the content, all the copies that are created on the basis of that content, as well as the entirety of the intellectual property and other property rights which pertain to it.

·         The content of the novago application is available for private viewing only.

·         The content is subject to changes without any relevant notice at the discretion of Forthnet Media S.A..

·         The reproduction, exploitation, distribution to third parties, disclosure, copying and /or editing of the novago application, and the total or partial reproduction of its content is strictly prohibited without the previous written consent of Forthnet Media S.A..

·         Any other use requires the explicit permit of Forthnet Media S.A..

·         Forthnet Media S.A. is possible to elaborate information regarding the use of the application for reasons of statistics and improvement of its provided services-information.


2.2.    Limitation of liability of Forthnet Media S.A.-Declaration of renunciation


Forthnet Media S.A.:

·         under any conditions, also inclusive of the case of negligence, is not liable for any form of damage that the User of its pages, services, options and contents  may suffer, to which he proceeds on his own initiative and being aware of the present terms.

·         does not warrant that any other related website or the servers through which the content is made available to the visitors-users, are provided without “viruses” or other harmful components.

·         in no event does it bear the cost of any potential corrections or services, which is incurred by the User.

·         does not proceed as well, to any representation and in general, it does not provide any guarantees or undertakings that are contrary to the terms set forth in the present statement.


The present declaration of renunciation intends neither to limit the liability of Forthnet Media S.A. in a manner contrary to any requirements enacted by the national, community and relevant international legislation in force, nor to exclude the liability for matters regarding which, the release from any liability is not possible by virtue of the said legislation.


The User accepts and relevantly binds himself not to proceed to the following actions:


·         use of the application for any purpose that violates the legislation in force.

·         publication of material that violates the intellectual property rights of third parties or the rights regarding the secret or divulgation of data of third parties,

·         publication of material that is illegal, obscene, defamatory, menacing, offensive, abusive or of any material that causes annoyance to third parties (natural or legal persons), as it is defined by Forthnet Media S.A. at its discretion,

·         publication of material that includes “viruses”, “malefic” code that may cause a damage or destroy the files or programs of Forthnet Media S.A. and its users,

·         publication of advertisements or other commercial material,

·         alteration of his identity,

·         publication of the same announcement more than once,

·         any other action that limits or prevents another person from using the interaction fields, and generally the Application or an action that according to the judgement of Forthnet Media S.A. exposes himself or any of the other Users to legal liabilities or harmful from them situations.


2.3.       Applicable law and other terms


·         The aforementioned terms and conditions of use, as well as any amendment, change or alteration of theirs, are governed and supplemented by the Cyprus law.

·         The present document constitutes the entire agreement between Forthnet Media S.A. and the User of its pages and services and binds only them.

·         Any claims, disagreements or other confrontations that concern or arise by the implementation of the present terms and the general use of the Application, if they are not settled in a conciliatory manner, will be subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts of Nicosia.



The application novago is available for use only by the user himself (private viewing). The use of the application (public display) is explicitly prohibited in cafes, hotels, lottery agencies, special entertainment venues and any premises and/or for any use not agreed herewith, as well as for any temporary or systematic commercial use of the Novago service. The recording and/or storing of any content of the service / application Novago, in local mediums of any form – in total or in part – and in the same or any other audio and/or image file format that exists or will be invented in the future, is strictly prohibited. The total or partial reproduction, downloading and/or storing of any photos, logos, text, animations, gifs, audios, imagery in general (static or animated) from the application novago to local means (analogue and/or digital) is also prohibited. 


3.       The User accepts that novago application for reasons of safety and reasons of protection/safeguarding of the intellectual property rights of Forthnet Media S.A., may:



·         be provided for use exclusively and solely in laptops, smartphones and tablets, which are not rooted (for Android devices) and Jailbroken (for IOS devices)

·         have a GeoIP Blocking system, as the viewing of the content of the application is permitted only within the Hellenic and Cypriot Territory.

·         be supplied with a “user recognition” system, which may appear on the screen of the user, at a random place of it and at any time, the username of the user or any other sign selected by Forthnet Media S.A.

·         use the technical application of “Output Blocking”. The said application limits the user-during the term of the use of the application-regarding his ability to use for any reason a second/external screen.

·         exclude during the term of use of the application any programs for the copy/paste of any material. Indicatively, the possibilities of the applications “print screen”, “copy/paste” etc. are excluded.

·         use at the discretion of Forthnet Media S.A, technical applications, software or electronic programs of any kind, which will control and safeguard the legally established rights of Forthnet Media S.A., or/and will drastically deal with actions or/and omissions of the user, which may harm Forthnet Media S.A.



By registering and creating an account with us, you accept the terms and conditions set out below.

·         Keep your password confidential. You should not disclose it to any representative of the Company.

·         You are responsible for all use of your account, including unauthorized use by any third party.

·         In case of any known or suspected unauthorized use of your account please contact us immediately.

·         Do not neglect to inform us of any changes in your contact details in case we need to contact you.


If you wish to communicate with Forthnet Media S.A., you are kindly requested to send an e-mail to the address


Furthermore, if you have discovered any problems in the content of the node, that pertain to legal or moral matters, specifically as regards its reproduction and the use of the intellectual property rights, you are kindly requested to relevantly informs us by sending email to


Forthnet Media S.A. reserves the right to proceed with the immediate termination or restriction of your account, or the use of the application novago and/or the access to its content at any given time, past due notice, if Forthnet Media S.A. deems, in its sole discretion, that you have violated the aforementioned Terms of Use, the laws and regulations or for any other reason Forthnet Media S.A. deems being in the detriment of this particular business activity.